Mulled Wine


I made mulled wine for the first time about two weeks ago, for my class Christmas party. It was my first time making it and I was a little unsure about how good it was going to be. I was seriously mind blown- but I mean, can you go wrong with wine, spices and sugar?  I've made it four times since then, because my friends and I can't get enough. It comes together really quickly, so it's an easy thing to make while entertaining- and impress all your friends. Don't be shy to use the cheapest bottle of wine on the shelf, we even made it with boxed wine and it was just as good. As well, this recipe can easily be doubled or tripled for a bigger batch. 

Sia- Snowman


1 bottle red wine
1/2 cup apple juice
1 navel orange, thinly sliced into rounds
3 cinnamon sticks
2 star anise
5 whole cloves
1/4 cup fireball
1-3 tbsp honey or sugar of choice, to taste


Add apple juice, spices and orange to a pot. Bring to a boil, then reduce to a gentle boil for 10 minutes. Add wine and fireball, simmer for ~10 more minutes. Add honey or sugar to taste. Serve warm.